You can develop concentrated equity positions in your investment portfolio when you own or control a single stock that makes up a significant part of your overall allocation. While there are many reasons this can happen, one common way people find themselves with a...
Category: company stock
How Much Company Stock Is Too Much?
If you are on the receiving end of equity compensation in the form of employee stock options or restricted stock, it’s easy to get excited about the prospects of an increasing stock price and how that can positively impact your financial future. Company stock can offer non-financial benefits as well, like making you feel invested in the company, like a team player, and that all your hard work is worth it.
Dive Deeper
Whether you’re just getting started or expanding your knowledge, here are some resources to get you started.
NEW! The Ultimate Guide to Equity Compensation
Understand what you have, what you should consider, and what ultimately matters to you.
Hi, I'm Daniel Zajac, CFP®, EA
I write about equity compensation and employee stock options in a way that is easy to understand.
NEW! The Ultimate Guide to Equity Compensation
Understand what you have, what you should consider, and what ultimately matters to you.
Get the Ultimate Guide to Incentive Stock Options to better understand your equity compensation.